Prayer Request

…For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.
~Isaiah 56:7

There are many ways that Benton Methodist Church is a house of prayer.  Our Prayer Ministry seeks to Share the love of Jesus by praying for family and friends whose needs are made known to us.

Intercessory Prayer Team:
Prayer intercessors meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM in the Ed DeBusk Memorial Prayer Chapel to pray for prayer requests submitted through a Prayer Request card or called into the church office.

Prayer Chain:
There are 20 members on the Prayer Chain who stand ready to pray at a moment’s notice for an immediate need. Simply text Nancy Stinson at (318) 455-4350 at any time day or night, and she will send out a group text so there is an immediate response in prayer. This is generally reserved for critical prayer requests.


Prayer requests can also be made by calling the church office at (318) 965-2273, emailing at


No prayers submitted to the public have been reviewed by our administrators yet.

Submit your Prayer Request Here

Please make sure you select your prayer request to remain private or to be published on our Prayer Request page.